Christmas time is here! Christmas break can mean many things, especially for us college students. Sleep, relaxation, or anxiety (depending on what home is like), catching up with old friends, new adventures, and did I mention SLEEP?! It’s a time for us to take a break, to either love or hate how commercialized Christmas has become and repeat another year of family and friends. Christmas time can be crazy and it can speed by quickly. So, make sure you enjoy it. The library offers not only a great atmosphere with all of the decorations that were put up (like the awesome 6 foot tall tree of books in the lobby.. come check it out!), but it also has, guess what? Books. I know that we all “read”a lot during the semester, but there is nothing like kicking back with a good book that can bring you to all different types of worlds and make you relax simultaneously. Although, if it’s a really good book, you might lose some sleep. Reading is so important and while there are many academic books in the library that are necessary for our college careers, there are also novels like The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver which I am enjoying immensely right now and which I checked out of the library not too long ago.

Book Tree 2017

So, I encourage all of you to breathe, relax, and not only remember the reason why we celebrate Christmas, but ask God to show you Himself in new ways this holiday season. Enjoy new books; go on adventures with both old friends from home and new friends you find in the characters. Don’t let it be another cliché time of year; press in and see all of the wondrous things that can happen this Christmas. And don’t forget to sleep.

~Kiana Schwab